Relevant Topics
The hEART 2025 Scientific Committee welcomes the submission of high quality abstracts focusing on a wide variety of mobility, transport and logistics related topics covering:
- Activity-based modelling
- Artificial Intelligence and Big data analytics
- Automated and connected driving
- Cycling and walking behaviour and design
- Discrete choice modelling
- Environmental impacts on transport
- Multi-modal transport
- Operations research applications
- Pricing and capacity optimization
- Shared mobility
- Traffic flow theory
- Traffic, network, and mobility management
- Transport equity and justice
- Transport network modelling
- Urban freight transport and city logistics
The final decision whether an abstract submission is accepted will be taken by the Scientific Committee. Additionally, selected papers will be published in special issues of EURO Journal on Transportation and Logistics , Journal of Public Transportation , and Journal of Urban Mobility .
Submission Instructions
Submissions are to be written in English and should be submitted electronically using the Easychair portal (NOW OPEN!). All submissions must be relevant to the conference topics. Authors will be asked to select the themes from the topic list that suit best to their submission. Please upload your short paper as a PDF file and name it as follows: “last name_first name_hEART2025”.
There is no suggested template for hEart 2025. Optionally you can use one of the following:
Download LaTex Template Download Word TemplateSubmission Guidelines
Short papers of 2.000-3.000 words are invited for submission. Submissions will be reviewed by members of the scientific committee. The short papers should clearly state the research goals, elaborate methods and discuss the results in order to allow the scientific committee to assess their quality. Ongoing research is not preferred as we are expecting clear indication of the conclusions from the research. Only original contributions are considered for presentation at the conference. A maximum of one presentation is allowed per person registered for the conference.
Easy Chair Submision Portal Download Call for PapersImportant Dates
19th January 2025
24th March 2025